There is no hiding the outrageous open borders and baby killing policies of the now far left Democrat party
They know they have lost the American people. They are now coming out of the closet with this kookiness.
They kill babies, they praise a communist cop killer. We knew this was the Democrat party. We knew that the elites held these crazy views, but the public at large didn’t. Now, they are revealing their true colors.
Democrats have now become a threat to the survival of our republic as a free republic. They have become a threat to the survival of our Constitution and our liberties.
It’s win or lose right now. That is the situation they are in. If they don’t succeed this time around, I think they realize too many people are going to wake up, and they are going to be in major trouble.
So, they are just going for it all the way right now--full stop.
It really is a fight to the finish, and I think they are hoping with voter fraud, illegal immigration
The reality is people are waking up in huge numbers, and they can’t contain it anymore, even with censorship of the internet.
People are hungry for the truth, and people know they have been lied to.”
- Source, USA Watchdog