Thursday, December 24, 2020
Ron Paul: The Bipartisan Stimulus Hoax
Monday, December 21, 2020
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Great Reset Means a Digital Control System
Currency is something that is liquid. Currency is something I can put in my pocket and walk away. This is a digital control system. This is a credit at the company store.
You will be given a credit at the company store, and if you do what you are told, you can buy things at the company store, but you can’t start your own store. That’s what we are watching right now in the U.S. economy. This is how it works.
The insiders and their businesses are deemed essential and can stay open. Then they can do a series of things to shut down all the independent people and herd all those cash flows into theirs. So, you can’t go to church and you can’t sing, but you can stream Netflix. You can go to Costco. You can go to Walmart.
If the Fed and New York money center banks can make money from it, it’s essential, and you can do it. They can borrow from the Fed at 0%, and our credit cards cost 16%. This is how this works. So, this is economic warfare, and it’s designed to destroy the independent producer.”
Friday, December 18, 2020
Bitcoin Goes Parabolic: Tis the Season for Record Breaking Highs
Here we are again, yet another week and yet another new all time high for the price of Bitcoin. This asset is truly on fire and is now once again entering into a "parabolic" phase.
The reasoning for this continues to be the ever increasing demand of institutional investors who are moving heavily into the crypto space, with Bitcoin being the natural first and main choice for many of these institutions.
But how long can these gains continue at this neck breaking pace, before one of its dreaded and often before seen crashes occur?
Tis the Season for Bitcoin
Practice Extreme Caution Moving Forward
Gold and Silver Bullion Continued to be Underappreciated
In Conclusion
To make any solid predictions on what is going to unfold throughout the course of 2021 is an incredibly difficult task for even the most brilliant of financial minds, however what is almost guaranteed at this point is that 2021 is going to be filled with extreme risk and uncertainty.Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Rick Ackerman: Second Great Depression Starts in 2021
Friday, December 11, 2020
The COVID-19 Vaccine Will Define the Economy in 2021
By now I'm sure that you have already had one, two or possibly even more conversations with family and friends about the rapidly approaching wave of COVID-19 vaccinations that are about to inoculate the world.
Without a doubt and I believe unarguably at this point, this will be the most dominating news headline as we head into 2021 and as we proceed throughout the year.
The rollout of this vaccine, its success rate and the ability for officials around the world to convince a large enough percentage of the population to take it are all contributing factors in how the global economy for 2021 is going to be defined.
The question is, how will it all play out?
The COVID-19 Debate Rages On
Kemper said “the global health dictatorship” has imposed a response that has ultimately made people less healthy, with rising levels of suicide and depression, as well as “obliterating” small businesses such as the seven restaurants his family runs in Ottawa.
“It does not warrant all this hype and mania and doesn’t necessitate an experimental vaccine being rushed to market,” he said.
Some of the points that Kemper states are similar to arguments that you have heard throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the fact that there are ramifications to the lockdown, such as higher rates of substance abuse, depression and suicide.
Meanwhile, those who are in favor of the lockdowns state that without the lockdowns, COVID-19 would be even more severe of problem than it already is, with a magnitude more of lives being lost due to the pandemic running unchecked.
Hindsight is 2020 as they say.
Additionally, it is true that an ungodly amount of resources have been dedicated to developing an effective COVID-19 vaccine, with over 200 companies working day and night to discover an effective treatment.
This has resulted in a discovery rate that would typically take years to uncover in a standard vaccine clinical study, meaning that in all likelihood the COVID-19 vaccines that have been approved by many countries in the West are deemed safe, at least in the short term.
Vaccine Manufacturers Will Not be Held Accountable for Long Term Effects?
"Our processes will not be compromised. At the end of the day, the Therapeutic Goods Administration – like with any vaccine in Australia – must give their tick-off. Without the tick, there’s no jab when it comes to vaccines in this country. That is true for the Covid-19 vaccine, as it is true for any other vaccine that is administered here in Australia," Morrison added.
In Conclusion
Friday, December 4, 2020
Bitcoin is on Fire: Gains Over $3275 USD in Less Than a Week
The Rollercoaster Ride Continues
Precious Metals Advocate Nigel Farage Joins the Bitcoin Party
In Conclusion
Friday, November 27, 2020
Bitcoin Experiences Extreme Volatility as it Plummets Overnight
Over the course of the past month, many precious metals investors may not have been aware of the crazy, wild roller coaster of a ride that was occurring once again in the world of Bitcoin.
With all of the current events unfolding around the circus that was the Presidential election, you cannot be faulted, as much of the media attention has been fully and wholeheartedly invested in covering that event.
This is for good reason, as the ramifications of the 2020 U.S. Presidential elections are going to have a rippling effect across the entirety of the globe not just in the short term, but for years to come.
However, one market that has been on fire, skyrocketing to near all time highs is that of Bitcoin, which has had a completely stunning month of gains, well, at least until this week that is.
The Extreme Volatility of Bitcoin
This is Not the End of Bitcoin
In Conclusion
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Ron Paul: Dark Winter, Biden's Coming Lockdown
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Ron Paul: Class Warfare, Fed Counterfeiting & Lockdowns Hammer The Poor & Middle Class
Friday, November 20, 2020
A Renewed Surge in COVID-19 Cases Rattles Investors
Some of this increase has to do with better testing, some if it has to do with the significantly increased knowledge we have about the virus, however, a significant proportion of it has to do with complacency and people's desire to live their lives in as normal of a fashion as they possibly can in this upside down world.
Regardless of the why, the markets are reacting and they are suffering negatively because of it.
Markets Drop Across the Board
Renewed fears of an economic shutdown is what is scaring market participants the most, as it is appearing more and more likely that Joe Biden is going to become the next President of the United States, despite President Trump's continued fight in that arena.
Joe Biden and his closest allies have stated repeatedly that they are not taking a mass shutdown off the table and are indicating that it is a very likely possibility in their attempt to battle the spread of COVID-19 once he takes office.
Many people laugh at this notion, as they believe that it is simply too late to stop the spread of the virus and only a mass national vaccination program will help alleviate the problem, or simple herd immunity over time.
Yet, fears about people's willingness to take the first wave of vaccines is a real concern for the markets.

These various concerns are what is causing the recent volatility in the markets, as speculation of what is coming next begins to run rampant in the minds of many investors.
Recent polling from across Canada has indicated that support for taking a COVID-19 vaccine is rising from recent levels, however, many are still anxious about taking what they believe to be a "hastily" approved vaccine.
Global News reports;
A new poll suggests the proportion of Canadians planning to get vaccinated for COVID-19 is on the rise after encouraging initial results from Pfizer’s vaccine trial.
Sixty-nine per cent of respondents said they plan to get inoculated against the novel coronavirus once Health Canada approves a vaccine that is broadly available and free, according to a survey by Leger and the Association for Canadian Studies.
The number is a jump from the 63 per cent who said they would take up such an offer one month ago, and a return to levels of vaccine enthusiasm reported in a similar poll in July.
Similar polling, carried out for Global News between October 23-26 by Ipsos, found that just 54 per cent of the Canadian public is willing to take a vaccine as soon as they can. Of that figure, only 22 per cent feel strongly about taking a vaccine right away.
What this means is that there is going to be heavy resistance by a large percentage of the population in taking the first round of COVID-19 vaccines, and despite what your personal beliefs may be surrounding this controversial topic, this has the markets and governments around the world rattled.
China Steams Ahead with Vaccinations
One country that is not waiting for global approval in regards to a standardized COVID-19 vaccine is China, who has to date vaccinated over 1 million citizens under the "emergency use" designation.
This vaccination campaign by the Chinese government is much higher than what Western officials previously believed and of which has been largely targeted towards troops and those in peace keeping positions according to government officials.
Joining the ranks of China, and unsurprisingly to many is Russia, who has also made recent news due to the fact that they have also begun to issue "still in clinical trial" doses of their COVID-19 vaccine.
Zero Hedge reports;
Russia and China are the only two countries actively working to develop a vaccine that have used emergency measures to vaccinate large swaths of their populations. Russian President Vladimir Putin even claimed earlier this year that one of his adult daughters had been inoculated in one of the early-stage trials for the vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Institute.
The rush to profit off of an effective COVID-19 is truly underway at this point, with countries such as Brazil already signing a contract to purchase the Chinese COVID-19 vaccine, while others such as Turkey are also entertaining the idea.
Meanwhile, in North America, both Pfizer, Moderna and other western corporations are signing deals with countries all around the world, as they claim to be close to having an effective COVID-19 vaccine.
In Conclusion
The markets remain rattled at the moment, fearing renewed, potential lockdowns, while also fearing the effectiveness and willingness of the public to take a newly released COVID-19 vaccine.
However, they need to fear not, as big daddy government is soon to be coming to the rescue once again, revving up the printing presses and issuing out stimulus checks galore, of that you can rest assured.
As previously stated, it mattered little who won the election if money printing was first and foremost on your mind, as both Donald Trump and Joe Biden plan to do just that.
In this scenario, both gold and silver bullion remain strong buys in my personal opinion, with dollar cost averaging being the continued preferred method of acquisition, riding out by the highs and the lows in stride.
2020 will remain a volatile year right until it closes its chapter, however, sanity will eventually be returned and a new normality will be resumed, yet with much uncertainty remaining as we head into 2021.
Until that time, stay safe and as always, keep stacking.
- Source, Nathan McDonald via the Sprott Money Blog
Friday, November 13, 2020
The Election from Hell, the Political Hangover of the Century
Mistrust in the System is at All Time Highs
The Markets Are in For a Wild Ride
In Conclusion
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
2021: Gold and Silver Break Out, Plus Banks Heading into Crisis
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Ron Paul: The Last Gold Rush Ever is About to Occur
Monday, November 2, 2020
Jim Sinclair: Exploding Global Debt Means $100,000 Gold is Guaranteed
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Election Outcome Prediction: Blue Or Red They Print More Money
Friday, October 30, 2020
Rob Kirby: Voting for Bread Lines
Easy Money, Low Interest Rates to Last for Years
The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked the world and a historic amount of money printing has taken place all across the world.
This money has been dumped into the markets, given to individuals and used to help keep businesses afloat while the forced lockdowns were put into place, greatly reducing consumer spending in many parts of the world.
Many would argue that this money printing was required, others would disagree. Sadly hindsight is 2020 and we may never truly know what the repercussions of no lockdowns would have been.
However, there is one thing that is for certain in the coming days, months and years.
The ramifications of our actions are far from over and the piper will be calling, the only question that remains is when?
Interest Rates to Remain at Historically Low Levels for Years to Come
"The Bank of Canada says it has no plans to change its benchmark interest rate until inflation gets back to two per cent and stays there, something it says isn't likely to happen until 2023.
The central bank said Wednesday it has decided to keep its benchmark interest rate steady at 0.25 per cent. The news was expected by economists, as although the economy is showing signs of recovering from the impact of COVID-19, things are still a long way from normal, so cheap lending will be needed for a long while yet."
"With more than six months since the onset of the pandemic, the Bank has gained a better understanding of how containment measures and support programs affect the Canadian and global economies.
This, along with more information on medical developments related to COVID-19, allows the bank to now make a reasonable set of assumptions to underpin a base-case forecast."
Gold and Silver to Benefit from Money Printing and Low Interest Rates
In Conclusion
Saturday, October 24, 2020
Coronavirus & the Lasting Effect On Capitalism And The US Economy
Friday, October 23, 2020
The Polls Were Horribly Wrong in 2016, Are They Wrong Again?
I am not trying to be hyperbolic, I am not trying to scare anyone, however, if you don't see what is coming in the next couple of weeks then to put it simply, you need to take your blinders off.
The 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections will take place on November 3rd, which is only eleven days away at the time of writing.
The outcome of this election is going to have a powerful impact on the most powerful and prosperous nation in the world, and thus the entirety of the global economy as a rippling effect.
Therefore, it comes as no surprise that market participants are scrambling to find any and every clue that they can find that would indicate whether Joe Biden, or President Trump is going to win come that night.
Turning to the polls once again, people are highlighting how Joe Biden is ahead significantly, but is this accurate? Can the polls be trusted?
The 2016 Elections Polls Were Horribly Wrong
The reason for this assumption was the non-stop cheerleading from the vast majority of the Mainstream Media, of which was largely endorsing the Hillary Clinton campaign, rooting for her to win and thus providing overwhelming positive coverage.
In addition to this, the near entirety of the polling industry was not just predicating that Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 Presidential Election, but would win in a complete and utter landslide, reinforcing what many Democratic voters already believed was a foregone conclusion.
Almost any poll that you looked at gave Hillary Clinton a 90% plus chance of winning, with some even going as high as 98%! Boy were they wrong.
Meanwhile, in a series of articles that I wrote leading up to that time period, I was ringing the alarm bell, highlighting how the sample sizes for many polls were horribly out of whack and did not make sense from a logical standpoint once dug deeper into.
These biased sample sizes and the fact that many Trump voters were shamed by the MSM into not stating who they were going to vote for, led to the results that we got on election night, which saw a newly elected Donald Trump take office.
This sent a shock wave through Democratic supporters and the polling industry at large, as they had to face the hard facts that they got it so wrong.
There were indeed many eggs on many faces as the sun set on November 8th 2016.
The Polls Are Likely Wrong Again and Are Drastically Underestimating Trump
Although somewhat scared, battered and bruised, it is without a doubt that many people, in fact a large majority of people still do.
Constantly you are hearing polling numbers bandied about on the Mainstream Media once again, being quoted and taken as concrete evidence that Joe Biden is going to win come November 3rd.
Currently, Bidden has a stunning 87% chance to win according to one major polling aggregate.
But will he?
I believe that after four years of President Trump in office, the MSM and much of the political establishment has only hardened in their hatred and resolve to see Trump taken out of office.
This means that they have a hard bias and motivation to see him lose and thus a willingness to take the polls at face value once again, just as they mistakenly did in 2016.
This is a dangerous path to be traveling down if they truly do wish to see him removed from office, as wholeheartedly trusting in the pollsters is a recipe for disaster.
The fact of the matter is, to get voters motivated they need to believe that they NEED to get out, wait in those long lines and actually vote. They need to mail that ballot in, fill it out properly so it does not get disqualified (a common occurrence for mail in voting ballots).
That sad reality is that many people are unmotivated, or simply don't care that much about politics, even if they state they are voting for Joe Biden, they may not carve the time out of their day to put in the effort to head out and actually cast their ballot, under the assumption that he is going to win anyway.
Why bother right?
Trump Supporters Are Very Motivated, But Very Hidden
They have borne witness to countless “we’ve got him this time stories” over the past four years, all of which have ended in frustration for Democratic supporters.
Crying “wolf” at this point is nearly meaningless and people now just shrug and roll their eyes, regardless of how serious the claim is.
This overwhelming negative coverage has led to mistrust and a general unwillingness to believe in what the MSM is putting out.
Additionally, President Trump has engaged in a four year smear campaign against much of the major broadcasting networks, with the most notable being CNN, who he has labelled outright “fake news”.
Trump supporters have had the moral authority taken away from them by the MSM, in a large percentage of people's eyes, to state who they are going to vote for and who they support.
There have been many stories about how people have been cancelled, ostracized and outright fired for posting "pro Trump" messages on their personal social media accounts.
This is once again playing out just as it did in 2016 and is resulting in the appearance of a much lower than is actually there support level in polling numbers for the President.
Much of President Trump's base feels like their opinions are not being heard and are thus oppressed, which will result in a very strong, highly motivated voter turnout, just as it did last time.
In Conclusion
The times are changing and so too do their methods of capturing people's opinions. We live in dynamic, fast changing times.
However, regardless of who wins, I stand by my opinion that turbulent times lay ahead, as neither side is going to willingly accept the results this time around.
Gold and silver bullion are going to move higher first due to uncertainty, then later as the printing presses are once again revved into high gear and additionally COVID-19 stimulus packages are passed
Until then, stay safe and as always, keep stacking.