Monday, July 29, 2019

Kevin Shipp: Americans Are Not Ready for the Coming Financial Calamity

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says a very big risk is the global economic system suffering a financial calamity. 

This includes the U.S. Shipp contends, “Russia and China are stocking up on gold as they agree to stop using the U.S. dollar and go to the yuan and ruble, which means they will stop recognizing the U.S. dollar

The dollar will lose its value because of that. We have a huge debt, and by 2025, our deficit will be $30 trillion. 

It is impossible to pay that off. The global deficit is $245 trillion. This thing has got to burst, and it’s going to burst.

Donald Trump has come out against the Deep State and Shadow Government in ways I could only dream of. 

I am a Trump supporter, but what he has got on his hands is a coming catastrophe. 

You cannot stop the collapse caused by the deficitTrump will take some significant action. 

This is a national security issue, and he can step in and make some changes. 

This is a huge catastrophe, and Americans are not aware of what is coming and are not ready for a financial calamity.”

- Source, USA Watchdog