Wednesday, October 3, 2018

SNOWFLAKE OVERLOAD: UK University Bans Clapping At Performances To Avoid Triggering Students With Anxiety

In an attempt to make public performances more "inclusive" for people with "disabilities" like anxiety and other sensory issues, the University of Manchester students' union has voted to ban applause at student union events, and is asking students to use "jazz hands" instead.

The decision was made to keep the University of Manchester compliant with a 2015 vote in the UK's National Union of StudeBut students also noted that loud noises like "whooping" or "traditional applause" can create problems for students with anxiety.

According to the Guardian, the MSU motion said that "this union notes that since 2015, the National Union of Students (NUS) has been using British sign language (BSL) clapping (or ‘jazz hands’), as loud noises, including whooping and traditional applause, can pose an issue for students with disabilities such as anxiety or sensory issues."

- Source, Zero Hedge, read more here