Friday, February 16, 2018

Everything Is Not What It Seems, It's All Happening Behind The Scenes

DHS just proved that the corporate media lied to us about Russian hacking. Grassley says that Susan Rice wrote a very strange email to herself. 

Pentagon sending troops near China, this is a normal rotation, but the corporate media is making it seem like we are preparing for war. The CIA intelligence agency used a paid mercenary army to attack and they claim it was a Russian force that died in the attack. 

This was a setup, the US and Russia have open channels 24/7 so they know where each force is. This was pushed to provoke a war. Russia is reporting that the paid mercenaries are preparing a chemical attack, they spotted containers of chlorine. Coats is out there pushing the idea that North Korea, Russia might be preparing to cyber attack the US.

- Source, X22 Report