Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Anti-Establishment Trend Has Been Solidified in Trumps Historic Victory, Brexit 2.0

Where were you? Where were you on the 8th of November? Where were you the day that we solidified the trend, the trend of anti-globalism, the trend of wrestling back the power from the elite power structure and returning it into the rightful hands of we, the people?

Trumps historic landslide was foretold by me and others in the alternative media. This victory was much discussed, as we explained that it had little to do with the candidate, but everything to do with the message of bucking the status quo and shaking up the house.

It began with Brexit, in which the elites thought of as a one off Black Swan event. Now, we know definitively that this was not a one off event. Trumps victory for all extensive purposes can be classified as Brexit 2.0, a historic and monumental event that will go down in our history books as the start of a new age.

Losing their crown jewel, the United States will come as a massive blow to the elite establishment and their cronies. They will have to deal with the fact that it is not going to end here, next up for change is France and Germany, both of which are experiencing "change" candidates rising in the ranks and challenging the status quo.

As stated previously, the people are with Donald Trump and the movement. Those that you see on social media, who are waking up and venting their dismay have now become the minority, as Trump has won a landslide win and taken out key battleground and democratic states.

These same sheeple are the people who get ALL of their news from the dying, lying, corrupt Mainstream Media. This victory does not come to a shock to us, who actually read REAL news, and not the new-age tabloids, known as the MSM.

As I have said all along, the Mainstream Media has been lying to you about Donald Trumps chances to win. The polls have also been lying to you, and have been proven to be exactly what I have stated all year, BOGUS!

Their overweighting of democrat samples was blatantly clear to anyone who even remotely attempted to delve into the numbers and see them for the farce they were. What wasn't a joke, was the massive rallies and huge enthusiasm that Trump was seeing swell up all around him.

Even more stunning is the fact that Trump is ACTUALLY going to be able to get things done, as the Republicans now hold the House, the Senate and the Presidency.

This marks a new age in our history, the pendulum is swinging back and the people are rising up, standing up for our right to govern ourselves. We are sick and tired of being ruled over by an elite class.

The time for change is now, good work everyone and congratulations to all who fought valiantly and bravely in this battle. We have our work cut out for us, but for the first time in a very long time, the future is bright.