Monday, November 2, 2020

Jim Sinclair: Exploding Global Debt Means $100,000 Gold is Guaranteed

Financial writer Bill Holter and renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair say exploding federal debt and massive defaults will send gold to the stratosphere. 

Holter does the astounding and yet simple math and explains, “The number is over $100,000 per ounce for gold now. 

If you take the 260 million ounces that we (U.S. Treasury) supposedly have and take the 260 million ounces and divide it into the current debt which is $27 trillion, it’s well over $100,000 per ounce now. 

In other words, if we had to back our debt in gold, the gold would have to be priced at over $100,000 per ounce.” Sinclair offers hope and a way out of the financial mess we face. 

It involves a Trump Win that will preserve the Constitution and the rule of law. If we can maintain the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution, America can and will recover, according to Holter and Sinclair. Let’s pray that happens.

- Source, USA Watchdog