Monday, August 26, 2019

USA Watchdog: Globalists May Try to Crash Economy

Journalist Alex Newman’s biggest fear is the New World Order tanking the global economy to try to tarnish Donald Trump before the 2020 Presidential Election. 

Newman says, “We may see the globalists try to crash the economy, whether that be pulling the rug out from under the stock market or whether that be trying to crash the value of the dollar. 

Then using that to demonize President Trump and all of his supporters and to basically say see what happens when you defy globalism. See what happens when you try to implement tariffs so the communist Chinese don’t rip you off. 

You end up blowing up your own economy. They are going to say this is all Trump’s fault and the fault of the people who voted for him. 

I think this is a very real possibility...

- Source, USA Watchdog