Monday, July 22, 2019

Martin Armstrong: Dow 35,000 By 2021?

The most hated stock market rally still has room left to become truly despised, according to Martin Armstrong. Armstrong is an economic forecaster, former hedge fund manager, monetary and foreign exchange currency expert and a deep student of history.

He has advised central banks, powerful political leaders, and has testified before Congressional committees on economic cycles and monetary and currency issues. 

At present, he’s extremely concerned about the gross distortions central bank policies have had on the global economy. Excess liquidity has caused asset prices to become recklessly inflated while enabling otherwise-doomed companies to persist by feeding off of the cheap and plentiful capital. 

But while Armstrong predicts this “one giant mess” “is not going to end nicely”, he warns that things may get a lot more deformed, especially in the US, before the break point is reached. 

With so much of the rest of the world beginning to succumb to the arriving global recession, capital is fleeing towards the relative safety and positive returns offered by America’s financial markets. 

As a result, Armstrong sees the US stock market continuing to power higher from here, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average potentially tagging 35,000 by 2021.

- Source, Peak Prosperity